
Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Halloween message from beyond...

Y'all know I love Halloween, right?  Today I was rewarded by the Halloween spirits for my devotion. 

After taking photo-booth pictures for hours at work today....

I finally got sick of my clip on bangs, hipster hat and glasses.....

Here lies Taylor Swift
And my pounds of make-up (it aint easy to look like Taylor Swift)...

So, I decided to blot my lipstick off...and look what happened!!!!

How cool is that?????

The office is split on whether it is a bat or fangs (I think bat), but we all agree that it is really cool.

What do y'all think?  Cool or am I making too much out of it?

Also, my office was killing it today with the costumes.

Monster mashin it hard today y'all,


A Last Minute All Hallows Eve How-To

Happy Halloween!!!!  My favorite night is upon us.  We plan to spend the evening with our friends, A and L, handing out candy, watching scary movies and eating spooky treats. 

As the Halloween season is coming to a close, I thought I would go over a couple of quick DIYs in case you want to enhance your Halloween experience in easy and cheap ways.

First of all, I dress up like a witch every year to hand out candy.  I dress up the outside of my house to look like a witch may live there and then I answer the door in full character.  Some kids love it, some don’t.  Some parents love it, some don’t.  Last year, right before I opened the door, I heard little boy on the other side ask his mom, “Does a real witch live here?”  Love it.  The perfect mix of spooky and fun, as opposed to the year I forced my husband to answer the door with a hockey mask on, just one time…..based on the reaction of the kids, we will NOT be doing that again!  Let's just say there were tears...mostly from the kids.  Too much scary and not enough fun.  My bad.
Back to the task…..the witch’s hat is of course the best part of the witch costume.  I wanted to update my hat this year so I purchased this fancy one with a veil from Spirit Halloween for only $10!!!

Isn’t it fun for ten bucks?  The only problem looks a little flat.  All the black makes it hard to see the detail. I have heard Nina Garcia say it a million times on Project Runway and let me tell you…she is right.
So, with the help of a few little ingredients...
I brewed up a new and improved witch’s hat.

For a grand total of less than $15 (already had the glue gun and glue sticks)
The next little tip is making bloody candles for your candle sticks.
Easiest thing on Earth.  I had four plain white candles bought cheap at Wal-Mart.  So I went back to Wal-Mart and bought a red candle for 46 cents.  Then all you do is hold a lighter to the red candle and let it drip onto the white.
It makes a quick, cheap and creepy effect for your Halloween display. I have them throughout my witch’s den among my ingredients for potions and the like...

Don't you love my hand in the mirror reflection? Amateur hour at its best.

I hope this has given you a little inspiration to “liven” up your all hallows eve….
Tonight's menu includes some of our favorite concoctions like Mini Mummies, Graveyard Dip, Bat Wings, Devil’s eggs and of course...Witches Brew.
How are you spending the evening?   
Have a spellbinding night,

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Someday I will....

Today I am linking up with The Daily Tay (she's the bomb, y'all).  Her link-up has a theme for dreamers.  Which I like to think I am, me and John Lennon.

Someday I will…
Someday I will…use the food processor, food steamer, placemats, napkin rings, Kitchenaid stand mixer and all of the other cool crap we got for wedding presents four years ago and still haven’t used.
Someday I will….write a book.  Even if nobody else ever reads it.
Someday I will….NOT run a marathon (I am releasing this dream.  Not gonna happen)
Someday I will….stop cussing.  Probably when I have a kid...speaking of which…
Someday I will….have one of these.  Maybe two.
Someday I will….learn how to do my make-up and use the good stuff.  Not just the cheapest make-up at Walgreens and hand-me downs.  (I have had the same eyeshadow for about 8 years and I not joking.  Gross, I know)
Someday I will...stop considering Facebook as my official wedding album and actually make a real one.
Someday I will….purchase a big girl camera and learn how to use said camera therefore enhancing the experience of my readers (mom) and stop passing Insatgram photos off as "blog worthy photos".

What?  That filter doesn't look profesh???
Someday I will….stop eating Taco Bueno.
Someday I will....get over my fear of all things shark.  Except for the real ones swimming in the ocean...
Someday I will…..wake up in time to fix my hair for work every day. Ponytails no more. 
Someday I will…figure out what I want to do with my life.
Bascially, Someday I will...grow up.
But not today….
Today I will…recognize the gift of today.
Today I will…remember how lucky I am to have a job, a roof, a relatively safe car, a best friend, hilarious parents and a husband who has no problem cooking, doing laundry or ironing.
Oh yeah that reminds me…
Someday I will…actually bother to iron my clothes.
Just becasue you're tall, doesn't mean you are grown,


The Daily Tay

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

#coldeadfngers update

I am beyond excited that Mandi at Vintage Revivals, one of my absolute DYI Home Décor Blogs on the whole Internet Planet, included one of my #colddeadfingers picks in the round-up of her favorite #colddeadfingers entries!!!  Flattered doesn’t begin to cover it.

This girl is for real talented and has the most inspiring story.  She is a total badass.  I am pleased as punch that she liked something I love so much.
Speaking of the light fixture, although I filled you on the story about how I got her here, I never showed you what I did with her. 

I lover her but I think she is looking a little lonesome up there.
What could I do to spice her up?
Add a medallion?

This Old House
Add a painted medallion?

Linwood Avenue
Stencil the ceiling?
The Weekend Home Maker
Pretty Handy Girl
One day I plan to paint and de-popcorn the ceilings but for now I will settle for a quick fix.  Any ideas?
In a pickle,

Monday, October 28, 2013

All T Swift's Exes live in Texas....

Happy Monday my lovelies.  Did everyone get dressed up for spooky activities this weekend?  We sure did.  We went to a party at a friend’s house where costumes were a must!

As I talked about here, I prefer to create costumes out of the clothes I already own and by maybe purchasing one or two props rather than buying a costume ready made in a bag. 
The Fella came up with a couples theme for us this year and I was really impressed with his idea.  It was really fun.
We were Taylor Swift and all of her exes.

We got rained on a little but it was a great night!
Last year we were Joan Harris and Don Draper of Mad Men.
Fun times.
This year my niece and her boyfriend went with us and they were the Queen of Hearts and a Card.  And her precious little dog Lua was a shark.
My favorite costumes of the night were worn by two of my girlfriends and their husbands.  They were the Golden Girls. 
Fantastic right???
I have to take a minute to talk about a part of my costume.....the T Swift Bangs....

This one is blurry, but it shows the bangs well.

These are clip-ons!  Don't they look so real?  They are from ULTA and they were fantastic!  I will wear them again, I think.
Ok, I have to take one more minute to show y'all my adorable 7 month old neice.  My sister-in-law made her costume....

I am not biased or anything but is she not the most adorable child you have ever seen!?  Snow White has nothing on this baby.  Like I said, not biased.
On Sunday, we laid around, watched football and carved our pumpkins....
Did you go to any parties?  Have a fun costume?  See any great costumes?
Have a great and spooky week!