
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Gone, but not really.

Labor Day is gone.

But summer is not.
At least not for Texans.
All of the fashion blogs I follow, overnight, are now showing autumn clothing.  And I know that it makes sense in most of the world to make this transition.  However, it is nuts to do this in Texas.  It was 103 degrees yesterday.  The humidity was unbearable.  My reading glasses would fog up anytime I walked outside.  It was like trying to do yard work in the 7th circle of hell.
I will not be throwing a moto jacket over any little cute dresses to transition them into fall anytime soon.  For out of state bloggers who read any of the wonderful Dallas based fashion blogs, just know that when you see the bloggers post pics in wonderful, beautiful fall/winter clothing, anytime before the end of October, that those bloggers are miserable. 
Hot, sweaty, sticky, uncomfortable and probably a little bit nauseous.  They are taking the proverbial bullet for their readers.  Oh the things one does for the love of fashion. 
I am not one of those amazing Dallas fashion bloggers. But from time to time I like to give a little tall lady fashion inspiration where I can.  I, however, will most likely never fake the cool weather just because fall fashion week is rolling around.  It just isn’t in me at this point in my life.
There are some things, not many, that I just won’t suffer through for my love of fashion.  Thus, I will continue to dress for the weather.
Case and point, my fluorescent outfit today.
The Gap top, Vera Wang Simply Vera for Kohl's skirt and neckalce
But I will squeeze my big ass feet into shoes that are a size too small.  Just sayin.

Ok, so, the weekend. Saturday my folks came over and spent the entire day helping us get things done around the house. My dad is great at wiring and re-wiring light fixtures, chandeliers, lamps etc. So he and the Fella spent most of the time re-wiring and hanging a few chandeliers for me. They even made a run to home depot for me and came back with all kinds of amazingness. The rest of the time they watched college football and drank Shiners. 

Mom and I knocked a ton of stuff out.  Here was my to-do list I left you with last week, with updates and other items completed in red.
- Paint the long hallway and create long gallery wall Done!
- Paint and stencil entryway 1/2 complete
- Vamp up dining room chandie DONE!
- Rearrange rugs in the house DONE!
- Dress up my dressing table area Almost complete.  Got everything hung, just need to repaint some things.
- Finalize a color choice for guest room DONE!
- FINALLY RECOVER MY OUTDOOR CHAIRS!!!!!!!!!  We did it!  Just need to take the time to put the seats back on the chairs.
- Cleaned out garage.  This was a huge undertaking. Happy it is over with.
- Hung art in master bedroom, guest room and guest bath
- Hung chandie in kitchen
Pictures will come later but here a few sneakie peeks.
Left by previous owners.  Snazzed it up till I find something I cannot live without.

It is serously hard to take pics of a long, narrow hallway!
I wanted to do some outdoor decorating for the baby shower this weekend but it rained from Sunday evening till Monday evening so that was a no-go.  The rest of the rain free part of the weekend was spent at a friend's pool party.

This is supposed to be a game of basketball, not rugby. 

Boys are weird.

Things got intense enough that there were injuries. 

Minor ones, but injury enough that my husband was praising the rain gods for whiping out any chance of him having to mow or do any work on his feet on Monday.

What did you do this weekend?

Ta-ta for now,


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