
Friday, May 30, 2014

Gender Reveal

I am getting really good at this disappearing stuff. The truth is, sometimes when you're pregnant, you are crabby, unmotivated, exhausted and pukey. In my case, I have been that 90% of the time. But I am feeling pretty good this morning so I thought I would drop in to say hello.

And to share some fun news.....IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

We are very excited about it and a little scared. I have way more experience with little boys with my three nephews but I am sure we will figure it out.

The Fella and I found out the sex and then invited the whole family over for a little gender reveal party on Memorial weekend. We had a great time and everyone was pretty surprised and pleased to find out we are having a girl. I have a 1 year old niece and I am thrilled she will have a built in cousin bestie in our little Moon Pie.

Here are some pics from the wonderful day....

This one wasn't taken at our house but I had to share
I also had a visitor from out of town, my college bestie and roomie.  She and her new fiance came down from Denver for a wedding and stayed with us for the weekend.  She got lots of baby bump time. 

And thanks so much to my Peanut for all the work she did on the gender reveal party...I love this pic of us.

This weekend, my mother and I kick off operation baby nursery.  I have gathered lots of inspiration and we are putting our heads together to kickstart a decor plan.  I am so very excited!!!!  Of course, I will keep you up to date on the details. 

Have a wonderful weekend!!


Friday, May 9, 2014

Hello again

So, the worst blogger award goes to.....ME!  What?  Two months isn't that long.  Ok.  It is.  But I have good reason.  I have had the flu for three months.

Or...morning sickness for three months.  Yep, that's the one.  I am expecting!

The Baby Giraffe's baby giraffe is due in November.  We are very excited and I am very tired, nauseated, crabby, bloated and happy! All at once. 

I have had zero energy and have not been very inspired around the house or in general as of late hence the lack of posts.  Also, all I can think about is baby and I couldn't share any of that with y'all just yet so I didn't want to write about anything else.  But as I have begun the second trimester and have started to feel a little better I have tons to share with you!

And of course #projectbabynursery shall begin shortly.

Now excuse me why I pop open another Ginger Ale, nibble on my saltines and try not to fall asleep at work!!

Make it a good one!

Mama Giraffe