
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What 2013 has taught me...

2012 was not a good year for me.  At all.  I lost a few people I love, a job, my youthful naivety, loved ones got sick and I learned, the hard way, to cherish every moment.

2013 was a complete mixture.  I began a new career.  I turned thirty and celebrated in my favorite city with some of my favorite people.  We bought our first house.  We decided to try and start a family (with no luck so far). We accomplished some goals that the two of us had as a couple.  We got a new niece.  My father is cancer free this year. sister was diagnosed with cancer.  My grandmother fell ill.  Another family member is fighting for their life against cancer.  Life things, hard life things, happened.

Through it all I have learned to feel fortunate.  I now know that I am fortunate every day that I wake up.  For breath.  For life.  I am fortunate to have a partner beside me who I trust in every way.  I am fortunate to have a supportive family and I am fortunate to have my health.  Nothing is guaranteed.  I have learned to try and squeeze every drop from the moments we are given. I have learned that life is as big and as happy of an adventure as you allow.

The older I get, the more I will lose.  People, youth, time, etc.  But the older I get, the more I will gain.  Appreciation, perspective, love, friendship, self-reliance and confidence.  All of these things gained make everything else much more special, making life sweeter and grander than ever. 

I hope the New Year is a happy one for everyone, myself included.  I pray that I will gain patience and will improve on myself and inspire others to do the same.  I want to take better physical care of myself, learn to sew, become even more of an asset at work, see the adventure in the everyday, fix my hair more often, cook some and laugh a lot. Oh....and make a baby.

Here's hoping!

Adventure on,


Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Catch Up

Hello my lovelies.  It has been a long time.....I shouldn't have left you...without a dope beat to step to, step to.

Ah Timbaland.

Anyway, how were your holiday festivities?!  Mine started off great and then hit a rough patch when I got sick on Christmas day.  I had zero energy the rest of my vacation at the ranch.  Boo.

But our family Christmas on the Saturday before Christmas was fantastic!  I love seeing my cousins and their beautiful kids.  Christmas should be enjoyed in a house full of children.  They make everything better.

My niece, Peanut, and I put together a photo-booth for everyone to enjoy.  Here are a few of my fav pictures from the booth.

Fun times.  Other than that we ate, opened presents, sang, celebrated a birthday, went to a Christmas light show and watched old home movies.  It was a wonderful time.

We Southern women like our sweets....especially when it is possum pie, banana puddin', peach cobbler and pecan pie.

My parents hosted the party this year at their lake house.  They did a beautiful job getting the house ready.  I wish I had more pictures of the decor but I didn't have time.  Here is a shot of my favorite area though...

A few of my mother's nutcrackers...just a few, and all of the pictures of her kids and grandkids with Santa over the years.  Too cute.

It was a gloomy day outside but it could have been worse.  It was originally supposed to rain the entire day so we canceled the huge bounce house we were renting.  But it didn't rain much and we were able to enjoy the lake.  We needed the rain anyway...look how low the water is.  Ah Texas drought.

And I got to see my bunny.

All in all, the kids had fun which made it fun for all of us...

 Merry Christmas Y'all!


The Baby Giraffe

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas at the ranch

I mentioned in this previous post what fun we have at my in-laws ranch in Texas Hill country.  We will be spending Christmas Eve and morning with my family at my parent's lake house and then will head to the ranch that afternoon to spend the remainder of the week.

Fun stuff like this happens...

Christmas tree hunting in the back of the truck.

After the perfect mesquite tree is chosen, the fellas head off to saw it down...

While the ladies tend to their solo cups while singing carols.

Or we highjack the four wheeler...

 Double fisting happens and bevies are consumed...

As well as Reinbeers

 Sometimes too many Reinbeers...

We sing carols, have cookie contests, eat lots of goodness, open many presents, play many games and share many hugs and lots of love.

I cannot wait!!



Monday, December 23, 2013

Holiday Attire

I wanted to share a few more fun holiday inspired outfits that I have put together lately...

Casual Friday at the office...

Kurt Geiger boots, JCrew plaid, The Gap vest

Christmas sweater party at the office...I didn't have one so I made one out of what I had...

Prada boots, JCrew palid, Columbia sweater, JC Penny necklace

Date Night...

WHBM dress, Banana republic pumps

Jessica Simpson coat, old

Office Christmas party...

WHBM sweater, Ellen Tracy silk skirt, Bronze pumps Mossimo for Target

 Christmas shopping...
Old Navy Vest, Lauren Conrad sweater, Banana Republic leggings, old, Prada bootsm, H&M necklace

And some of my previous outfits that I already shared with y'all...

And my most favorite of all!!!

Get festive!


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Holiday Home Decor- A Winter Glam Holiday

Good morning!  Today I am inspired by the Evolution of Style Holiday Home Decor tours.

Welcome to our home...

Wishing you a meowy Christmas!

Please join me in our dining room...

And now spend some time in our glitter village...

I have these adroable little angel ornaments that I have named Fat Baby Frans.  They fly over our village and keep watch.

I have been collecting these little putz houses for a few years.  Next year I think I am going to try to make some myself.

The Nativity scene below was given to me by my Nana when I was a very little girl and I have managed to hold onto most of the pieces all these years.  I keep it in a jewelry box instead of with the other decorations.

Now sit a spell by our tree...

And view our White Winter display and holiday cards from loved ones...

And say hello to a few of our little friends around the house...

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful Christmas!
Hostess with the mostess,